Wednesday, July 23, 2014


"Watch out! Don't do you good deeds publicly, to be admired by others, for you will lose the reward from your Father in heaven." Matthew 6:1

I always have struggled with really comprehending what this verse means, it seems so hypocritical. As a Christian, we are called to do good things.  As Christians, we are called to serve others, but we can't do them publicly??  I always thought that was a weird way to put it.  But, I think, I remember hearing about the Pharisees, and they were praying in public just to show off their faith, that is what God doesn't want us to do.  I think it is just another way God is calling us to be humble.

God wants us to do the right thing because it is the right thing, not because we are going to get something back in return.  I read a Rob Bell book a few years ago, or was it Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller... hmmm i don't remember right now. But, what I remember one of the things I took away from the book was to make sure we are NOT using love as currency.  I will do this for you because I love you, but I do expect you to do this back...someday... Well, that is just not how people work.  Some people are takers and some people are givers.  I know that when some people in my life ask me to help them in some way, I help them because its what I do.  I know that they are not the people that I will ask when I need help, why not you ask.... Well, because I have learned that they do not want to help.  Was this an easy pill for me to swallow?? NO!!!!  Does it still suck sometimes to be the one that is always giving and never receiving... YES!  But,  all Jesus has ever done for us is give and give and give, and all he wants back is for us to love him!!!!  So, this is one of my goals, to give and love and not expect anything in return.  Now please recognize that this is not something that is super easy for me....  I struggle with this all the time.  And, I do not just say YES to anyone who asks me to do something. I think boundaries are a good thing.  But, if I am able to help.  Yes, I will. So, I think this passage is saying do good things because it is the good thing to do, not because you are going to be praised or because its going to help you in to heaven.

Thankful/Blessing List
1. Mom- WOW
2. Hannah and Trey
3. Nate
4. Janna
5. Erin
6. Craig
7. Pinterest teaching ideas
8. Cold Water
9. Kleenex
10. Fans
11. Morgan
12. Long Talks
13. Good Advice

Lord, I just praise and thank you for today and everyday that we get to live in your great creation. Lord, I just pray thanksgiving over all the people and things on my blessings  list.  I pray for rest and healing with this cold. I pray that I am able to be a doer of good deeds humbly and they way you designed us to do it. I pray that I would have an honest and open heart about your plan for my life.  What Nate and I should be doing.  I pray that Nate would have confidence in his studying and the plan you have for him.  I pray that Dean and Sheri would have a blast in Colorado. I pray for healing in Sheri, Wanda, My mom and Willa. I pray that these friends and family would not suffer but you would heal and give the rest and comfort. Please be with G& G Erickson. Just be with me everyday, so that people will be able to see your light in me.

Because Pictures are fun. Here are some pictures of a few of the blessings in my life.  

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


"But to you who are wiling to listen, I say, love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you." Luke 6:27-28
This is a lesson that my mom taught me years and years ago.  Back in elementary and middle school, when you are caught up in silly girl drama.  I felt like girls were being really mean to me and I didn't know what to do.  My mom told me to add those girls to my prayers at night, because there isn't a lot that we can do as humans, but God can do way way more.  And he did,  I started to develop positive relationships with people that I didn't really like, and they started to treat me better. I also believe God works on your heart as you pray for people. So, today I am going to pray for the people that I do not understand.  I am going to pray for the people that make my life more difficult.  I do not want to have anger or resentment towards anyone.
Thankful List
1. My family
2. Oral Surgeons
3. Morgan
4. Nate
5. Trey
6. Hannah
7. Dad
8. Mom(keep her safe in Surgery today)
9. Valerie
10.  Janna (Keith)
11. Co workers
12. VB friends

Lord, I just pray for the people on my list keep them safe and let them feel your presence.  I pray that you watch over them everyday, but especially, my mom today as she goes into surgery.  I also pray for Dean and Sheri and the Bertsch's in Colorado.  Keep them safe on the road and keep Dean and Sheri positive.  Lord, be with Willa and let her feel your grace and protection.  Please be with G & G Erickson keep them healthy.  Lord, I just thank you for today, and I pray for motivation to get some work done.


Friday, July 18, 2014


"Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37 NLT
I think this is something that our society, me included, really, really struggles with judging and not forgiving.  We judge people all the time, even when we aren't trying.  Who would you rather meet in a dark alley, a biker or a banker?  I think society helps build these stereotypes and we just play in to them.... look at her dress it is from 1998??  Why would she wear that?   He is wearing stripes and plaid shorts...doesn't he know that is unfashionable. He buying Keystone Light at a gas station... he must be a redneck.  I hate that we have these stereotypes and we play into them.  I hate that I am way more comfortable around white people than I am around any other nationality.  But, I guess that does come with my territory, I had 2 black kids in my class of 232 students that graduated.  When we see things that we aren't use to we shy away in fear, rather than learn and explore and find the good.   This is my prayer for today. Lord. help me to find the good in all people, help me to find the good in all situations. You are everywhere therefore there must be good everywhere! You make all things good and beautiful.  So, Lord, I pray that you give my eyes to see the good, and not to judge.  Please give me a forgiving heart that doesn't hold grudges. Please get rid of the personal biases that I already have in my head and so I can see your creation in everything.

Thankful/ Blessings List
1)   Nathan, joy and love and special
2) Janna (Keith)
3) Morgan
4) Keri & Boys
5) Work out circuits and new acquaintances
6) Trey and Hannah
7) Danae
8) Garth and Val
9) Erin
10) Patricia and small Facebook convos
11) My Momma & Dad

Lord, I thank you for today. I thank you for the surplus amount of blessing that you have given me in my life. I am so thankful for my family and friends. I pray that you keep them safe and healthy.  Please be with my Grandparents, and Grandma Willa help with the pain. Please be with my Friends keep them safe and watch over them. I pray that you be with Nate keep him strong and confident, give him direction.  Please heal Sheri and My mom.  Work miracles in Wanda.


Thursday, July 17, 2014


Psalms 103: 1-2 NLT "Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me. "
This is something that I pray for as much as I can.  I really stink and sitting down with the Lord and just taking time for him.  Summer is almost over and this should be the time for me to be super close with God!  I have tons of time on my hands, yet I let stuff over take my life.  I pray that people can see God in me, but am I taking time to let God speak through me.  I pray that people know I am a Christian by my words and actions.  Lord, just help me live that out today.  Keep me from Gossiping, and let your truth come out of my mouth!  I am so thankful for friends that help me keep my morals in tact.

Thankful List #1
1. Healthy Family
2. Nathan
3. Morgan
4. Janna
5. Erin
6. Lunch dates with Amanda
7. Molly
8. Lauren
9.  Healthy Body to workout
10. Pierre Friends
11. my cute little house
12. warm showers

Keeping it short today Lord, but thank you so much for all your blessing.  Please be with Wanda, Willa, and my Grandparents.  Please heal Sheri, and be with Nate help guide him and give him confidence.